The Mathematics of Money

(Darren Dugan) #1
652 Appendix A Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises

13.^20072006 Amount Percent

Assets $4,508,000 $3,950,000 $558,000 14.13%
Liabilities $3,299,995 $3,454,000 $154,005 4.46%
Equity $1,208,005 $496,000 $712,005 143.55%
Total L&E $4,508,000 $3,950,000 $558,000 14.13%

  1. a) ($210,975), b) can’t say, assets are not listed
    on the balance sheet at their actual market value

Chapter 12 Section 12.3

  1. a) 14.89%, b) 56.57%, c) Stan is not managing
    them as well as his competition

  2. $22,342.69

  3. ROA 12.39%, ROE 24.94%

  4. Could be doing better, since others are earning
    a higher return

  5. 0.73; Cohen

  6. 7 days; largely a cash business

  7. Current 2.82; quick 2.05

  8. Company B

  9. 1.01

  10. EPS $1.36; book $8.34

  11. EPS $2.41; book $15.74

  12. PE 12.90; PB 2.10

  13. PE undefi ned, “NMF”; PB 3.72

  14. 20.68

  15. $61,471,460

  16. a) High, b) high, c) high, d) low

  17. Not necessarily. It depends whether the profi ts
    have grown or dropped.

  18. Quick ratio

  19. Price to book

  20. Inventory turnover

  21. 2.27

Chapter 13 Section 13.1

  1. $200.00

  2. $463.13

  3. Not enough people to take advantage of the
    law of large numbers. Could make it work with
    reinsurance though.

  4. $153.86

  5. $292.00

  6. $253.17

  7. 125%

  8. $307.16

  9. Policy cancelled

  10. $2,050

  11. $0

  12. $130,000

  13. All of them

  14. $95,000; $25,000

  15. $225,700; $25,000

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