Understanding Architecture Through Drawing

(lily) #1
3.2 (left)
Kinlochmoidart House, designed
in 1884 by William Leiper and
drawn here in 1999 by Nick
Hirst as part of his Philip Webb
Travelling Scholarship. The
drawing is a collection of
sketches and plans aimed at
documentary analysis. Leiper
also designed the building in
Figure 3.1. (Nick Hirst)

3.3 (above right)
The complicated façade of the
Pompidou Centre in Paris is set
against a dark sky to draw
attention to the building’s
expressive silhouette. The
exposed ducting and pipework
make an attractive substitute
for columns and walls.

3.4 (far right)
Street scenes like this are best
attempted when the traffic has
died down. This 19th-century
‘flat iron’ building in Vancouver
shares a busy road junction with
lamp-posts, telegraph wires and
the occasional delivery bicycle.

32 Understanding architecture through drawing

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