Writing Better English for ESL Learners

(Nora) #1

5 Writing Letters

The Friendly Letter

The friendly letter is exactly what you’d think it would be: a casual letter that is
sent to a friend. The style is informal, and the content is personal. It reads very
much like what you would be saying if you were chatting with a friend. The
content can be intimate or informative or can even be a request. It is up to you,
the writer, to put the thoughts on paper that you wish to send to a friend.
There are some simple rules to follow when writing a friendly letter:

  • Put the date at the upper left or right of the page. You may add your
    address below the date, but it is optional.
    June 30, 2009
    2990 West Main Street
    Johnstown, IL 60622

  • Begin with a greeting. You can show affection or love in the greeting.
    Dear Mary,
    Dearest Mom and Dad,
    My beloved Mary,

  • Next, begin the body of your letter. The content is up to you.
    I have missed you...

  • Close the letter at the lower right or left. You can express affection or
    love in the closing as in the opening.
    Sincerely yours,
    With all my love,

  • End the letter by signing your name.

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