Writing Better English for ESL Learners

(Nora) #1
Exercise 6.2Death Came for a Visit
Include these structures:
two possessive adjectives (such as my,your,his,her)
three relative pronouns (such as that,who,which)

Some helpful ideas for the theme:
Who was dying?
What happened to this person?
What is your relationship to this person?
How do you feel about death?

Some helpful vocabulary words: illness, tragedy, sadness, comforting words,

Exercise 6.3The Most Unforgettable Day
Include these structures:
two irregular verbs in the present perfect tense (example: “He has taken
swimming lessons before.”)
two reflexive pronouns (such as myself,yourself,himself)
one use of the preposition because of

Some helpful ideas for the theme:
Where were you on this day?
What happened?
Why was it so unforgettable?
Whom were you with?

Some helpful vocabulary words: excitement, surprise, good fortune, amaz-
ing, happiness

Exercise 6.4Peace or War
Include these structures:
two passive voice verbs in the past tense (example: “She was found alive.”)
three irregular verbs

Some helpful ideas for the theme:
What nations were in conflict?
Why was there the possibility of war?
Who wanted war and who wanted peace?
Is war always bad?

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