Writing Better English for ESL Learners

(Nora) #1
Exercise 4.12Sample answers are provided.
The Blind Date
I had been going out with Barbara for more than a year. But we had some
problems and decided that our romance wasn’t going anywhere. We’re still
friends, and we often get together to chat over a glass of wine.
Several months went by after we broke up, and I realized I was spending
too much time at home. It was getting boring sitting at home and watching TV
or washing clothes and doing chores. Then my friend Bill suggested I go out
on a blind date. I had never dated anyone I didn’t know welland wasn’t sure
that a blind date would be something I could tolerate. But I agreed, and Bill
said he knew someone perfect for me.
He arranged for me to meet his friend Angela over dinner. She was a friend
of his from work. He said she was very bright and outgoingand was the nicest
woman he ever met. I like women who are personable, so I was interested to
meet her. At eight p.m.on Saturday, I left home and drove to a little café on the
edge of town. I went in and took a seat near a window so I could watch for
her. About ten minutes later a woman who looked very attractive in her pink
dresscame in and began to look around. I knew it was Angela, my blind date.
She took a seat across from me and said, “Bill told me you were nice look-
ing, and he was right.” I was flattered because she was one of the most beau-
tiful women I had ever seen. We chatted a while and then ordered some dinner.
She had quite an appetite and ate everything on her plate. I had never seen a
woman eat so much. “I like to cook,” she finally said, “and I love to eat every-
thing I cook.”
The evening went by quickly because we had a lot to talk about and we
were enjoying ourselves. I didn’t think I could fall in love so fast, but I was
falling for Angela very quickly. We went out several times during the next sev-
eral months, and when spring came we were inseparable. I finally bought an
engagement ring, and on June first I asked her to marry me. To my amaze-
ment she immediately said, “I’ve been waiting to hear that question a long
time. Yes.”
After a yearlong engagement, we were married in a big wedding held at
Bill’s house. Now we have a house and two little childrenand a third on the
way. I have never been happier and believe that you never know when you’ll
find the one you love.
Who could have known that a blind date would bring me such happiness.

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