Writing Better English for ESL Learners

(Nora) #1
Answer Key 239

I searched beneath every cliff along the shoreline. I hunted in caves and on
rocky slopes. But I didn’t find any treasure. Then one evening at sunset, I sat
beneath a jagged cliff and peered out over the sea. That’s when I found my trea-
sure: the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen. It was unforgettable and gave
me a happiness I remember to this day.

Exercise 6.4Peace or War

It must have been difficult for the Founding Fathers to choose in favor of rev-
olution and war against England. Such a step was surely taken with great fear.
Everything could be lost if the war ended in favor of England. And thousands
of men, women, and children from all the colonies would suffer or even die.
But the fight for freedom was just, and that made the war inevitable. The
American colonists had to take command of their own liberty or perish in the
process. When negotiations and diplomacy failed, it was time to act.
No war is good. It means death and destruction for so many, but perhaps
the good that is derived after the war is justification enough for it. At least that
was so in the case of the American Revolution.

Exercise 6.5A Wedding

My cousin, Anne, and her fiancé were married several years ago. Instead of a
June wedding, they got married in late October. The vows they spoke were sim-
ple but beautiful. Everyone cried, especially Anne’s new mother-in-law.
The reception Anne’s parents arranged was held in a large hall in the city.
Guests enjoyed dancing and wonderful food. But instead of an open bar, each
table was provided with several bottles of champagne. Everyone celebrated
Around midnight the bride and groom slipped away. The following morn-
ing they left for their honeymoon in Jamaica.
Next October they will have been married for ten years.

Exercise 6.6Credit Cards

If I had known then what I know now about credit cards, I never would have
signed up for one. I thought a credit card would give me freedom and allow me
to enjoy the things that were out of my grasp financially. But that’s not the way
it turned out.

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