Writing Better English for ESL Learners

(Nora) #1
The past subjunctive is also used to set up a present condition (If this were
the case, that would happen). The phrase beginning with ifsets the condition.

If it stoppedraining, I would bevery happy.
If you understoodmy problem, you would offerme better advice.
Iwouldn’t dothat if I wereyou.

Notice that wouldand a verb are used in the phrase that does not containif.
The past subjunctive is formed from the simple past tense and, except for
the verb to be, looks just like the past tense. Look at some examples with the
verbs to be,to have, and to look.

I was were had had looked looked
you were were had had looked looked
he was were had had looked looked
we were were had had looked looked
they were were had had looked looked

In certain cases, the verb can be preceded by would. This use will be explained
later. The preceding three verbs become would be,would have, and would look.
When you use a verb with an auxiliary (is going, has spoken, is able to
write), the same pattern occurs as shown previously. In the phrase that begins
with if, use the auxiliary and participle. In the other phrase, use wouldfollowed
by the auxiliary and participle. The phrase that begins with ifsets the past con-
dition. Let’s look at some examples:

If he had earnedenough money, he would have been goingto college
next fall.
Tom would have spokenwith you if he had seenyou.
If you had studiedharder, you would have been able to writebetter.

Exercise 1.13Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb shown.

  1. I have to recommend you (to speak) with her soon.

  2. The sultan commanded she (to sing) for him.

  3. Maria suggested he (to find) someone else to
    dance with.

32 Writing Better English

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