Descartes: A Biography

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c CUNYB/Clarke     December, :

Magic, Mathematics, and Mechanics 

anumber of steps that will conclude with a question about the nature of
light. Once this point is reached, they are forced to realize that light is a
natural power, and, if they cannot make progress in understanding light
byexamining it directly, they may understand it indirectly ‘by analogy’
with other familiar natural powers (x.), all of which are known by
This analogical approach matches the suggestions outlined in Rule
forunderstanding how we perceive things as being coloured, and it borrows
onDescartes’ earliest reflections in his notebooks on the way in which we
conceive of immaterial things by analogy with familiar material realities.
In Rule,herecommends that we avoid addressing directly the question
about how colour perception occurs, for we do not know enough to provide
an adequate explanation. Instead, we should model colours onto shapes,
because we can understand shapes very well, and there are as many shapes
available as there are colours in need of explanation (x.). This is the
same point that was made, with a more general application, inOlympics:

Just as the imagination uses shapes to conceive of bodies, in the same way the intel-
ligence uses certain sensible bodies to shape spiritual things, such as the wind and
light....Man knows natural things only by analogy with those that fall under his
senses. We even think that those who philosophize best, with greater truth, are those
who most successfully assimilate the things that are sought with what is known to the
senses. (x.,–)

These concessions to the necessity of experience, both in conceptualizing
the realities that we investigate and in gathering basic information about
them, remained inadequately integrated into a theory of knowledge that
still resonated, in, with a model of scientific knowledge that had
originally been borrowed from Euclid’s geometry. Descartes, in theRules,
thus repeats what Aristotle had claimed in thePosterior Analytics, that
‘every science is certain and evident knowledge’ (x.), and that the only
reliable way of acquiring such knowledge is by ‘intuition and deduction’
(x.). The rhetoric of certainty, of building knowledge on firm founda-
tions through a series of deductive steps, leaves unchallenged a model of
scientific knowledge that was about to be superseded by the overwhelming
experience of empirical scientists.
One reason why Descartes may have abandoned theRules, therefore, is
that they were too general to provide any specific advice about, for example,
how to develop theories in optics or physiology, and that they required a
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