C CUNYB/Clarke December, :
AFabulous World (–)
month.He acknowledges that he had originally planned to spend about
three years at Franeker, had he succeeded in persuading Ferrier to join
him so that they could work together to construct a machine for grinding
lenses. He had even hired a young boy who could cook in a French style
to make life comfortable for his guest. But once that plan was abandoned,
his interest in living in Franeker waned.
Meantime, the focus had changed to a much larger project, of writing
a completely new and comprehensive physics, and by Aprilthe scale
of this undertaking had become clearer. Descartes had begun to study
chemistry and anatomy, and was now in a position to promise Mersenne
that, ‘unless I die, [I plan] to have it ready to send to you at the beginning
of the year’ (i.). With a very significant change of projects, and a
change of residence to Amsterdam, Descartes might have been expected
to settle in one place and complete the major work that he had begun.
However, his penchant for the peripatetic life interrupted plans once again.
Although he was considering a journey to England, he told Mersenne in
Aprilthat he would remain in Amsterdam for at least another month,
presumably in anticipation of a visit from Mersenne. The wily Minim
friar had been travelling since September, using his friary in Paris
foralmost a year as a forwarding address, and he was close enough to pay
Descartes a visit.
If Descartes kept this promise, he stayed in Amsterdam until the middle of
Maybutthen left abruptly for Leiden. OnJune, at the age of thirty-
three, he matriculated as a student of mathematics at Leiden University.
He stayed in rented accommodations with Mr. Cornelis Heymensz van
Dam, his wife and five children – one of whom was apparently lodged
with neighbours to make room for paying guests. The reasons for moving
temporarily to Leiden are as unclear as Descartes’ original decision to live
in Franeker.He may have been attracted there by the fact that Golius
had brought back from the Orient an Arabic translation of theConicsof
Apollonius, or by his friendship with Henri Reneri.
Reneri had converted to Calvinism during his earlier studies at Leuven,
and may have met Descartes later through their common acquain-
tance with Beeckman. Despite their different religious affiliations, Reneri
remained throughout his life one of Descartes’ most devoted friends.