Descartes: A Biography

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c CUNYB/Clarke     December, :

The ScientificEssays and the

Discourse on Method


I also noticed, about experiences, that the more we advance in knowledge the
more necessary they become.
(Discourse on Method: vi.)


 the years immediately following the condemnation of
Galileo, Descartes held fast to his initial view that the cardinals had
made a mistake, though one that was potentially dangerous for himself. His
fundamental idea was that the decision involved a misunderstanding of
the role of the Bible as a source of scientific knowledge. He also argued that
he was not bound to accept the Roman decision as a matter of faith, and he
hoped that it would be reversed in due course so that he could publish his
Worldwithout fear of censure. He had to concede, however, that as long
as there was no change of mind about Galileo by the church, theWorld
would remain ‘out of season’ (i.). Descartes’ refusal to publishThe
Worldwas therefore not as definitive as it seemed to people like Mersenne,
to whom he wrote: ‘If the reasons that prevent me from publishing it were
to change, I could make a different decision without thereby being fickle’
(i.). We know now, in retrospect, that there was no change in Rome’s
censure, and that there was none either in Descartes’ decision. His first
book remained unpublished throughout his lifetime.
In these circumstances, the next-best option was to consider ways in
which parts of his work that were not theologically sensitive could be
released to the public. Accordingly, during the years fromto,
Descartes spent most of his time on this project. His efforts came to
fruition with the publication of theDiscourse on the Method for Guiding one’s
Reason and Searching for Truth in the Sciences, together with the Dioptrics,
the Meteors, and the Geometry, which are samples of this Method().
Descartes was then forty-one years old. There may be signs of the author’s

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