Descartes: A Biography

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c CUNYB/Clarke     December, :

Retreat and Defence


There is still hardly anyone who has understood fully what I wrote.


spent the years immediately following publication of the
Essaysin seclusion in the north of Holland. As usual, he con-
cealed the various addresses he used from anyone who might disturb him.
He moved north from Leiden some time during spring, perhaps as
early as April. By May, he reported that he was living in an unidentified
location in the Alkmaar region, possibly at Egmond, ‘but without being
there because I do not think that I shall remain there’ (i.).None of the
letters during the following eighteen months, even those sent frequently
to his patron, Huygens, gives any indication of his precise address. Thus
when Huygens was writing to him from the siege of Breda (which lasted
fromJuly toOctober), he borrowed one of Descartes’ phrases from the
Discourseto tease his elusive correspondent about the ‘imaginary spaces’
he inhabited.OnJanuary,however, Descartes acknowledged that
he was in Santpoort, a small village north of Haarlem, though it remains
unclear whether he had moved there recently or had been living there for
some time previously.
The reasons for the extra secrecy during these years may have been
that Helena Jans and her daughter, Francine, were still living with him,
although there is no independent evidence to support that suggestion.
Descartes’ own explanation of his seclusion during this period was the
same one he had offered on previous occasions. For example, he wrote to
Mersenne (May):

Finally, between ourselves, there was nothing more incompatible with my plans than
the Paris air, because of the infinite number of distractions that are unavoidable there.

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