c CUNYB/Clarke December, :
Descartes: A Biography
Cartesian mathematics, were doing their best to discredit it. Given their
limited ability, their objections did not make him work hard. However,
they did enough to distract him ‘in the same way that two or three flies,
flying around the face of a man who tries to relax by lying in the shade of
awood, are often able to prevent him from doing so’ (ii.).
In retrospect, the row between Fermat and Descartes was sustained by
misunderstandings on both sides, by the extreme sensitivity of Descartes
to any criticism of hisGeometry, and by a difference in temperament
that made it difficult for either of them to sympathize with the other.
Fermatwas primarily a mathematician rather than a physicist, and his
initial reaction to Descartes’Dioptricsshows that he suspected its author of
constructing an a priori proof of the sine law of refraction. He was unaware
of the background principles on which Descartes based his work, because
they were available only in the unpublishedWorld, and his own natural
tendency was toward an empiricist approach to optics.Since Fermat was
unwilling to have his mathematical results published, he is probably best
understood as a relatively innocent and reluctant critic of an extremely
defensive opponent who thought of his reputation as depending on the
originality of the analytic methods that he had independently developed
in theGeometry.
The lack of resolution in the dispute with the French mathemati-
cians contrasts with the pragmatism and diplomacy involved in resolving
another mathematical row between supporters and critics of Descartes in
the United Provinces. Johan Stampioen (the younger) was highly respected
as a mathematician by his contemporaries. He taught mathematics at a
‘higher school’ in Rotterdam, and he issued a number of public chal-
lenges, on placards, into Dutch engineers to calculate the most
effective angles for shooting canon shells at a fortress wall. He then pub-
lished a book, dedicated to Prince Frederik Hendrik, in which he claimed
to provide the only solution to such problems.
These claims were challenged by Jacob van Waessenaer, who not only
offered an alternative solution for extracting cube roots, using Descartes’
mathematics, but also claimed that there were ‘gross errors’ in Stampioen’s
book. In defence of his honour and reputation, Stampioen challenged his
critic to support his claims by a wager. This challenge was accepted, and
both disputants lodged six hundred guilders with an impartial referee
and agreed on a three-person jury of mathematical experts to decide the
question.Stampioen argued in favour of a one-person jury, claiming that