end CUNYB/Clarke December, :
Notes to Pages–
.Descartes to Huygens,October(iv.).
.Descartes to Mersenne,October(iv.).
.Descartes to Golius,April, refers to the ‘extraordinary cold’ of the previous
winter (i.).
.Huygens to Descartes,August(iii.), and Descartes to Huygens,
[August?] (iii.). At this time they were discussing the book before its pub-
lication inas:The Use and Nonuse of the Organ in the Churches of the United
Netherlands[Gebruyck of ongebruyck van ’ t Orgel in de Kercken der Vereenighde
Nederlanden] (Leiden: Elzevier). Huygens endorsed the orthodox view that music
is inappropriate in churches if it is offered merely as entertainment. However, if
it is used to assist people to have the appropriate emotions when praying, then
it should enjoy the same contingent justification as singing rather than merely
reciting the psalms.
.Descartes to De Wilhem,May(i.). David le Leu de Wilhem was
a councillor to the prince of Orange who married Constantia, Huygens’ sister,
.Descartes to Golius,April (i.). In his letter to Huygens,November,
Descartes reminds his correspondent of ‘three mornings’ that they had spent
together discussing optics (i.).
.Baillet (), ii.–; Cohen (),.
.Saumaise to Rivet, [April] (iii.).
.Baillet (), ii..
.Ibid., ii.. Baillet reflected on this question in the Preface (vol.,p.ix), where
he refers to Descartes’ ‘secret marriage as something doubtful and a genuine stain
onhis celibacy.’ Toward the conclusion of the biography, Baillet (: ii.)
comments again on the unique blemish on his celibacy as ‘less a proof of his
inclination towards sex than of his weakness.’
.Baillet (), ii.. Italics added.
.Schoock (),–;Verbeek (),.
.Baillet (), ii..
.Cohen (),.
.See Tomalin (),–, which mentions that one of Pepys’ famous scientific
contemporaries, Robert Hooke, also ‘regarded the young female inmates of his
house as his natural prey’ (–). Saumaise commented, in, that pregnancy
among unmarried servants was not unusual, and that the French understood the
misbehaviour of the men involved as ‘gallantry’ (Saumaise to Rivet, [April],
.See the information collected in Schama (),.
.Adam (),.
.Huygens wrote to Descartes onSeptember, when he was assisting Prince
Frederik Hendrik at the siege of Breda: ‘I am no further from you than the dis-
tance from here to Alkmaar’ (i.). His anonymous correspondent may have been
Cornelis van Hogelande (a Catholic medical doctor at Leiden), who may have sent
him medical books by canal from Leiden to Amsterdam and onward to Alkmaar
(see i.–).