end CUNYB/Clarke December, :
Notes to Pages–
.Much depends on which water had to be crossed. If the books travelled by canal,
they may have come from Leiden. However, if Helena was still living in Deventer,
they may just as easily have travelled by the Zuider Zee.
.See Descartes to Mersenne,September: ‘Fifteen days ago I decided to
send you the letters included with this one, but I left this town suddenly before I
had sealed them’ (iii.).
.Baillet (), ii..Francine died either on Septemberor on September,
depending on whether Baillet translated the old style dates that were used in
Amersfoort into the new calendar used in France. If she died on September,
‘on the third day of her illness’, it is not clear why Descartes would have set off
onhis journey three days before Francine got sick. If she died on September,
he would have returned to Leiden while the young child was dying. The three
days quoted by Baillet correspond to the normal progression of scarlet fever.
It may be that Descartes did travel from Leiden because of Francine’s illness
and death, and that Baillet was slightly confused about the precise date of her
.Huygens to Descartes,October, refers to ‘ce malheur publique’ (i.). Cf.
Israel (),.
.Baillet (), ii..
.Ibid., ii.–.
.Helena died inand was buried in Egmond aan den Hoef. I am indebited to
Jeroen van de Ven for providing the detailed information about Helena Jans and
her relationship with Descartes.
.This correspondence first came to light when it was edited on behalf of the Buxton
family by Leon Roth and published in. Although I have consulted Roth (),
all the letters have been reprinted in the revised edition of Descartes’ works (edited
byAdam and Tannery). For the sake of simplicity, I give references to that edition.
.That he was in Utrecht in Marchis confirmed by a letter from Anna Maria
van Schurman to Rivet,March (OS?). See Bos (), liii.
.‘Compose’ here is intentionally ambiguous. Descartes had worked on many of
the issues that are discussed in the publishedMeteorsforsome years before its
publication, especially the application of the law of refraction to explaining the
rainbow. The explanation of parhelias began in.
.Huygens to Descartes,October(i.).
.‘Since the condemnation of Galileo, I have revised and completely finished the
treatise that I had begun earlier’ (i.).
.Roth (),, note; Descartes to Huygens,March(i.–); Descartes
to Mersenne, March(i.–).
.Despite the fact the Elzevier was much more famous, Jan Maire had a significant
number of international authors on his list, including John Selden, Francis Bacon,
Francis Gomar, and Claude Saumaise. For the status of Jan Maire and the printing
history of thebook, see Brown ().
.Descartes to Huygens,March(i.);June(i.);July
.Descartes to Huygens,October(i.–).