end CUNYB/Clarke December, :
Notes to Pages–
writing anything except such impertinent paralogisms when he was searching for
the truth, it would have been a miracle had he found it when his only intention was
to slander someone whom he hated. I have nothing to reply to this letter, except
that there is not a single word in it against me that is not false and without proof.
Iwould be very sorry if you took the trouble to send me his other letters, because
wehave enough paper here for its most ignoble of uses and his letters are no good
foranything else.’ Descartes to Mersenne, September(iii.).
.Descartes to Mersenne,June(ii.); to Mersenne,March(ii.);
to Mersenne,March(ii.). However, Descartes later requested that some
of the offensive comments about Beaugrand be deleted or moderated (Descartes
to Mersenne,July: ii.–).
.Descartes hoped that Mydorge would adjudicate the merits of both sides and
would favour Descartes (ii.).
.Descartes to Mersenne,November, where he is surprised that Fermat
was still objecting to theDioptricsalthough ‘he does not understand at all what he
thinks he has refuted’ (ii.).
.Descartes to Mersenne,April.Hewrote to Debeaune the same day: ‘I
think it would be poor form if I stopped to chase a little dog who only barks at me
and does not have enough strength to bite’ (April: ii.).
.See Mahoney (),, and the text from Fermat’s letter to Mersenne, Septem-
ber, quoted on p.:‘Iplanned to let you know my thoughts on that subject
later; but, apart from the fact that I cannot satisfy myself yet, I shall await all the
experiments that you have done or that you will do, following my request, on the
various proportions between angles of incidence and those of refraction.’
.Algebra ofte Nieuwe Stel-Regel().
.There were detailed diplomatic messages sent in both directions, with Huygens
helping to find a compromise and Van Zurck acting as an intermediary, before
the precise conditions of the contest were agreed upon and the terms of refer-
ence and identity of the jury were decided. The compromise reached by the two
parties accepted the professors of mathematics at Leiden, Andreas van Berlikom
(secretary of the city of Rotterdam), and Bernard Schotanus (professor of law and
mathematics at Utrecht); ii..
.Descartes to Regius,May(iii.).
.He was inaugurated onSeptember.
.‘Mr Reneri came here and brought me the exact height of the Utrecht tower.
It is exactlyroyal feet, including the weather-cock at the top’ (Descartes to
Mersenne,August,: ii.–). Reneri’s visit is also confirmed by Descartes
to Huygens,August:‘Ihad written the first part of this letter when Mr
Reneri arrived here and told me that Mr Pollot is among the prisoners taken
atCallo [the Callo fort near Antwerp had been lost by the Dutch onJune]’
.Saumaise wrote (March) that Descartes had ‘a large number of followers in
these quarters, so much so that his book is read publicly in the Utrecht Academy
byaprofessor of philosophy called Reyneri’. Quoted in Cohen (),.