end CUNYB/Clarke December, :
Notes to Pages–
Second Meditation: ‘The Human Mind, that it is better known than the body’,
‘so that people will not think that I wished to prove its immortality’ (iii.).
.Descartes to Mersenne,November(iii.).
.See Descartes to Mersenne,December(iii.–).
.Descartes to Mersenne,January(iii.).
.Hobbes to Mersenne for Descartes,February(iii.).
.Descartes to Mersenne for Hobbes,January(iii.). The controversy
continued in correspondence exchanged by Hobbes and Descartes through the
intermediary of Mersenne: Hobbes to Mersenne for Descartes,February
(iii.); Descartes to Mersenne for Hobbes,February(iii.); Descartes
to Mersenne,March,inwhich only part of the letter was for Hobbes (iii.
–); Hobbes to Mersenne for Descartes,March(iii.); Descartes
to Mersenne for Hobbes (iii.).
.Descartes to Mersenne,January(iii.). Even on first reading, on
January, Descartes was reluctant about this ‘Englishman’ and suspected that
he was not worth replying to (iii.).
.Descartes to Mersenne,March:‘Iwas the first to write it’ (iii.); Hobbes
to Mersenne for Descartes: ‘when you say that I could have borrowed a hypothesis
from him which he had published first, you will be my witness, I hope, that it is
seven years since I discussed with you in your lodging the reflection of the rainbow’
.Descartes to Mersenne,March,March, andMarch(iii.–,,
). Arnauld received his doctorate onDecember.
.Descartes to Mersenne,March(iii.–).
.Descartes to Huygens,July(iii.) andApril(iii.); Descartes
to Mersenne,July(iii.).
.See the letters from Gassendi quoted in iii.–.
.When Princess Elizabeth got a copy of the French translation of theMeditations,
she commented that Gassendi, ‘who has a great reputation for his knowledge,
wrote objections that – apart from the Englishman – were less reasonable than all
the others.’ Elizabeth to Descartes,December(v.).
.Descartes to Mersenne,June(iii.).
.Descartes mentions the possibility of getting an official endorsement in many
letters following the initial criticism by Bourdin, although the Sorbonne is not
always explicitly mentioned. Descartes to Mersenne,July(iii.–);
Descartes to Mersenne,September(iii.); Descartes to Mersenne,
November(iii.); Descartes to Mersenne,March(iii.);
Descartes to Mersenne,April(iii.); Descartes to Huygens,July
.See Armogathe ().
.‘A s r e gards myMetaphysics,Ihavestopped thinking about it since the day I sent
myreply to Hyperaspistes....thus I cannot reply to any of the things you asked
me about it, eight days ago, except to ask you not to think any more about it than
Ido.’Descartes to Mersenne, September(iii.).