Descartes: A Biography

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end CUNYB/Clarke     December, :

 Notes to Pages–

.He apologized for a delay in replying to a letter from Mersenne on March
because he was in the process of moving; Descartes to Mersenne,June
(iii.). OnMarch,hetold Mersenne that he had moved from Leiden,
although it was not necessary to change the address on letters since the messenger
knew where he lived (iii.–). By April,hewas writing to Huygens from
Endegeest (iii.–).
.Descartes to Mersenne,March(iii.–).
.Huygens sent letters addressed to Descartes to Van Hogelande’s house in Leiden,
July;April(iii.,). Descartes wrote to De Wilhem,June
, that he and Van Hogelande would go to Gillot’s house onJune, thereby
suggesting that Descartes was not living with Gillot at that time.
.Descartes to De Wilhem,June(iii.). Johanna died in.
.Descartes to De Wilhem,June(iii.).
.He died onOctober. Baillet reports that he was buried in the Church of the
Franciscans at Nantes,October, and that Descartes had written to him
onOctober, ten days after he died. Baillet (), ii..
.Descartes appointed Jacques Bouexic de la Villeneuve as his legal representative
in Rennes after his father’s death. See Baillet (), ii., and Descartes (),
; Descartes to Pollot,December(v.).
.Descartes to Mersenne,September(iii.) andMarch, (iii.).
.Descartes to Mersenne,March, where he refers to a ‘counsellor and the
others who wish to come to visit’ (iii.). The ‘counsellor’ may have been
Jacques Vallee des Barreaux ( ́ –). OnJune, Descartes wrote to
Mersenne: ‘Mr. Picot is here at Leiden and seems to want to remain there. We
often meet together. His two companions come and go and I think they will return
to France soon’ (iii.).
.ForPicot and his friends Jacques Vall ́ee des Barreaux (–), Damien
Milton (–), and Jacques Bordier (†), see Descartes (),–.
.Descartes to Huygens,December(v.).
.Descartes to Mersenne,January(iii.) andMarch(iii.).
.The castle had been occupied by Nicolas van Schouwen until his death in.
It was inherited by his nephew, Pieter van Foreest van Schouwen, in March
. Since he was living in Rome and still a minor, he could not officially assume
ownership until he reached the age of twenty-five. However, he died onJanuary
, before reaching his legal maturity. Descartes evidently rented the castle
during this period when there was only a provisional owner. For information on
the Schouwen family, see v.–.
.Baillet (), ii..
.Descartes to Mersenne,January(iii.–);June(iii.);
.Descartes to Mersenne,January(iii.).
.Descartes to Mersenne,March(iii.), and Descartes to Huygens,
.Descartes to Meyssonnier,January(iii.), and Descartes to Mersenne,
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