end CUNYB/Clarke December, :
Notes to Pages–
ForElizabeth’s offer to have part of it translated into Latin, see her letter to
.De Mundo Dialogi Tres(Paris: Denis Moreau,). He was also known in Latin
as Thomas Anglus and in English as Thomas Blacklow. On p.,heacknowledged
Digby as his patron.
.Huygens to Descartes,October(iii.). Huygens informed Descartes
in the same letter of the death of his only brother, Maurits, who had died
.Descartes to Huygens,October(iv.).
.White (),, and thePrinciples,Part I, chapter(viii-.).
.White (),–.
.Descartes to Mersenne,October(iii.).
.Descartes to Huygens,May(iii.). Huygens acknowledged this, and
expressed his anticipation of the imminent publication of ‘your Physics’, onJune
.Huygens to Descartes,January, and Descartes to Huygens,January
(iii.,); and Descartes to Colvius,September(iv.). Kircher’s book,
entitledMagnes sive de Arte Magnetica, was published in Rome,May. See
also Descartes (),, notea.
.Descartes to Huygens,September(iv.). He also wrote to an unnamed
priest that he could explain the tides more satisfactorily once his ‘Principles’ were
published, which he expected would be ‘within a short time’ (iv.).
.Huygens to Descartes,October(iv.).
.Huygens to Descartes,November(iv.).
.The French version of this text, published three years later, adds another reason
forthis decision. The inadequacy of Descartes’ knowledge was due to a ‘lack of
experiences’ (ix-.).
.The discussion of magnetism appears in thePrinciplesin Part III, paragraphs
–, and Part IV, paragraphs–.
.Huygens to Descartes,February(iv.). He eventually undertook this
travel in October, after Descartes’ visit to France. The book by Mersenne was
Universae Geometriae mixtaeque Mathematicae Synopsis(Paris: Anthony Berthier,
.Mersenne to Descartes [early](iv.).
.Momenta Desultoriawas edited by Caspar Barlaeus and published in Leiden by the
Elzevier brothers in.Itwas an extensive collection (pages); the poem in
praise of Descartes appears on pp.–.
.Later editions of his book included an extra foreword explaining that it was written
in reply to an earlier book by a Jesuit, entitledQuestion: S’il est meilleur de communier
souvent, que rarement.Arnauld (),.
.Descartes to Picot,April(iv.).
.De libero arbitrio libri tres(Paris: Sebastian Cramboisy,).
.Descartes to Grandamy,May:‘Iamcurrently in a place where I have many
distractions and little leisure, for I recently left my usual residence to find a way
to travel to France, where I plan go go within a short time’ (iv.).