c CUNYB/Clarke December, :
In Search of a Career (–)
any longer subject to being deceived by the promises of an alchemist, the
predictions of an astrologer, the deceptions of a magician, or the tricks and
boasts of any of those who claim to know more than they really do’ (vi.).
The implication of this comment is that he was much less competent to
make this distinction than he assumed confidently when he completed
his formal studies. He needed to open his mind to alternative sciences,
theories, and styles of life, which were likely to be at least as plausible as
those he had learned uncritically at La Fl`eche.
That is why, as soon as I was old enough to leave the control of my teachers, I gave
up completely the study of the humanities and, resolving not to search for any other
science apart from what could be found in myself or in the great book of the world, I
spent the remainder of my youth travelling, visiting courts and armies, meeting people
of different temperaments and rank, acquiring different experiences, testing myself
in meetings that came my way by chance, and everywhere reflecting on the things I
observed so as to derive some benefit from them....the greatest benefit I got from
this was that, by seeing many things which were still widely accepted and approved
byother great peoples, although they seemed very extravagant and ridiculous to us,
I learned not to believe anything too firmly about which I had been convinced by
example and custom alone. Thus I was gradually freed from many errors that can
cloud our natural light and make us less capable of hearing reason. But once I had
spent some years studying in this way in the great book of the world and trying to
acquire some experience, I decided one day to study also within myself, and to use
all the powers of my mind to choose the paths that I should follow. I was much more
successful in this...than I would have been had I never left either my country or my
books. (vi.–)
The extensive travel and experience of other cultures was the psychological
fillip for what subsequently became his preferred method, namely, to look
into his own mind for guidance about what he should or should not believe.
This further transition occurred one year later, on the occasion of his
famous dreams in. Before then, however, he had to begin his journey
in a more literal sense of the term.
Descartes in the United Provinces
Descartes arrived initially at Breda, one of the border garrisons in
Brabant, which was on the truce lines between the warring parties in
the north and south of the Netherlands. Here he met Isaac Beeckman
(–), more or less by accident, in.Beeckman was seven
years older than Descartes and, by the time of the latter’s arrival in Breda,