Descartes: A Biography

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c CUNYB/Clarke     December, :

 Descartes: A Biography

had already concluded his training as a Calvinist preacher, had graduated
from Leiden University, and had received a doctorate in medicine from
the University of Caen in Normandy. Beeckman had known Willebrord
Snellius (–)–after whom the law of optical refraction is named –
and had done some experiments with him. He was thus a most appropriate
contact for someone like Descartes who was anxious to acquire as much
scientific knowledge as possible during this somewhat unstructured period
in his life. Beeckman was in Breda to visit with his girlfriend, Cateline de
Cerf, while Descartes was officially enlisted in the army of Prince Maurits
of Nassau.Beeckman recorded in his journal that he met Descartes on
November, and that the Frenchman from Poitou discussed a mathe-
matical problem with him.
The terms in which Descartes expressed the problem suggest that he
was still held captive by the language and style of argument of his scholastic
training, and by the definitions of Euclid. He tried to prove that there is
no such thing as an angle between two intersecting lines. He argued as
follows. An angle is where two lines, AB and CB, meet at a point. However,
if one were to divide further the angle ABC by the line DE, the point of
intersection would also be subdivided into two parts. That is impossible,
since, by definition, a point has no size and cannot be divided. Therefore,
there is no point at which the original two lines intersect, and hence there
is no genuine angle at their intersection.

Despite such an inauspicious introduction, the two men struck up a friend-
ship and began to exchange questions about mathematical problems and
their solutions. Beeckman was the senior scholar, not only in age but in
the extent to which he had thought about applying mathematics to the
solution of physical problems. In the first months of their acquaintance,
between Novemberand April,Beeckman shared a number of
problems with Descartes and asked for his help with the mathematics
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