c CUNYB/Clarke December, :
In Search of a Career (–)
involved. One of these was a familiar problem about the acceleration of
falling bodies.The other problem resulted from their joint discussion of
an equally commonplace issue in theories of music. This resulted in one
of Descartes’ first essays, theCompendium of Music, which he completed
in manuscript form and dated at Breda onDecember.
This apparent deviation from scientific investigations into music is easy
to understand. Music had been taught as part of mathematics for gener-
ations, and was recognized as one of the four subjects in the medieval
quadrivium(arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy). Philosophers
since the time of Pythagoras had dreamed of discovering a natural har-
mony in the universe that would be expressed in mathematical terms.
This suggested that, if one could crack that cosmological code and then
express it in musical notation, one could use music to help bring the
human soul into harmony with the universe. This Pythagorean and faintly
mathematical-mystical inspiration was expressed, in rigorous form, in
attempts to find an ideal mathematical division of a monochord to pro-
duce notes that would resonate, in some sense, with the harmony of the
universe. One sees remnants of that tradition in some of Descartes’ con-
temporaries, such as Kepler’sHarmony of the World() and Mersenne’s
Universal Harmony(). There was nothing novel, therefore, in the
Cartesian attempt to match musical notes with lengths of a monochord;
it had long been established that the pitch of a sound is related to the
length of a vibrating string. Descartes’ contribution, though minor, lay
The Pythagorean tradition assumed that the objective of musical studies
was to express the natural harmony of the universe, even if only feebly,
in musical harmonies. The tradition of tuning stringed instruments that
resulted from this tradition limited the acceptable ratios of lengths of a
monochord to:(the octave) and:(pure fifth), on the assumption
that the simplest mathematical ratios could best capture the relations
between different sounds. The problems associated with these limitations
forkeyboard instruments had been recognized as early asbyGioseffo
Zarlino. One of Descartes’ Dutch contemporaries, Simon Stevin (–
), also made a modest contribution, in a posthumously published
short treatise, to the production of a tempered intonation.Thus the
issues associated with devising an equal temperament were familiar to
almost anyone working in this field in. Descartes joined this debate
as evidence of his mathematical skills, but primarily as an expression of his