Descartes: A Biography

(nextflipdebug5) #1

pre CUNYB/Clarke     December, :


Preface and
Acknowledgments pagevii
Note on Texts
and References ix
Descartes Family Tree x

Introduction 
 ALawyer’s Education 
 In Search of a Career (–) 
 Magic, Mathematics, and Mechanics: Paris,
– 
 AFabulous World (–) 
 The ScientificEssaysand theDiscourse on
Method(–) 
 Retreat and Defence (–) 
 Metaphysics in a Hornet’s Nest (–) 
 The French Liar’s Monkey and the Utrecht
Crisis 
 Descartes and Princess Elizabeth 
 The Principles of Philosophy() 
 The Quarrel and Final Rift with Regius 
 Once More into Battle: The Leiden
Theologians () 
 Thoughts of Retirement 
 Death in Sweden 

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