Descartes: A Biography

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c CUNYB/Clarke     December, :

Magic, Mathematics, and Mechanics 

alliance between Charles I and the unfortunate residents of La Rochelle,
and precipitated the siege that lasted for more than a year. Buckingham
sailed home in October, and Charles I subsequently promised assis-
tance to the besieged city on a number of occasions, in response to requests
from La Rochelle. When the siege concluded, onOctober, approx-
imately,of the city’s citizens had died of hunger and associated
sicknesses. The triumphant royal army entered the city, and Richelieu
celebrated a High Mass in the cathedral, with a Te Deum in thanksgiving
fortheir victory. It would help us to understand Descartes’ political alle-
giance if he were found to have supported the siege, although those who
place him at La Rochelle suggest that he merely visited – as many others
did, almost like tourists – to study the architecture of the famous dyke
erected around the city during the siege.

Descartes’ writing during this period shows the indecisive search for a new
method that was reflected in the wide range of authors he consulted, his
interest in optics, and the first signs of an awareness that mathematics was
only one science among many. TheRuleswere drafted and redrafted at var-
ious times during the decade–and were then abandoned. However,
Descartes kept the text and carried it with him throughout his travels and
frequent changes of residence until his death, in Stockholm, more than
two decades later. The inventory of his library includes a reference to
‘nine notebooks, bound together, containing part of aTreatise of Clear and
Useful Rules for Guiding the Mind in Searching for the Truth’ (x.).This
manuscript was passed to Clerselier, who deferred doing anything with it
until he had published other material from Descartes’ manuscripts. Mean-
time, he showed it to Arnauld and Nicole, who included parts of Rule
inThe Art of Thinking(), and he allowed Leibniz to have a copy made
(inor), before passing it on to Jean-Baptiste Legrand. After
the latter’s death in, the original manuscript disappeared. Before its
final disappearance, however, a Dutch translation appeared in, and
the Latin source of that translation was published for the first time in its
original language in.
It has been recognized for many years that the surviving text of the
Rulescannot disguise the extent to which it was edited and frequently
recast before Descartes abandoned hope of completing it. It was originally
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