The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

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affected by the naysayers because he was weak. He
knew today would be the day that they would have to
get the bus moving. Because it was up to him, and he
had to be strong, he vowed to himself that today would
be different. But before he could step off the bus, Joy
grabbed his arm.
“Oh, and one more thing before you leave, George.
Take this rock.”
“What is it?” George asked as he held out his hand.
“Well, I know it doesn’t look like much all black and
dirty, pretty ugly actually, but it’s a special rock that was
given to me by my teacher. When he gave it to me he
said, “Find the value in this rock and you will find a
priceless treasure inside yourself and in all the people
you encounter.”
“What do I do with it?” George asked.
“Put it in your pocket for now,” she said, “and then
look at it often and let it remind you of what I just told
you. Find the value in yourself. Find it in the rock. Find it
in your team.”

The Ultimate Rule of Positive Energy
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