The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

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Chapter 22

Better Today than Yesterday


What’s missing? What can I do better? How
can I show my team I’m on their bus?
George thought as he sat at the bus stop
Wednesday morning thinking about his
conversations with Jamie and José and his team’s overall
performance yesterday. The day’s events ran through his
mind in the way a football coach would revisit every play
of a game or a dancer would rehash every move, every
twist, and every turn of her performance. It is then that
one remembers successes and mistakes and thinks of
“should haves” and “could haves.” It is a critical time that
one improves if they are willing to learn, grow from mis-
takes, and build upon their success. George had always
known this but somewhere along the way he had forgot-
ten to stop learning and growing.
But now he was thinking clearly again and he re-
membered the great advice he had received from his
college lacrosse coach, who had told him, “The goal is
not to be better than anyone else but rather be better

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