The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

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charged up, and ready for the day while many on the
other buses are dreading another day at work. What
would you rather be, corny and happy or buttoned up
and miserable? It’s an easy choice, don’t you think?”
George couldn’t argue with her. He had been miser-
able long enough to know he would rather look silly and
be happy than miserable. Anything but miserable.
“The key is to feel good,” she continued. “When you
feel good everyone around you feels good. And we’re not
talking about feeling good from a double latte or candy
bar kind of feeling good. We’re talking about a feeling
joy, happiness, enthusiasm, gratitude, passion, and excite-
ment kind of feeling good. Remember, George, the gifts
you bring to the world are not found in your resume, ac-
complishments, or presents to others. The gift is your
presence of feeling good and being happy and bringing
this to others. Being around happy and positive people
makes people feel happy and positive. Too many people
try to please others and this only makes them unhappy.
Better to focus on feeling good and letting this feeling
and happiness shine on others. When you feel good you
give from power. When you feel bad and try to feel good
by pleasing others you only give away your power...
and this makes you weaker. Am I making sense?”
She was making perfect sense to George. He had
spent his life trying to please his boss, his wife, and
everyone else only to grow more unhappy every day.
Now he was feeling good again. The Energy Vampires

The Energy Bus
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