The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

(singke) #1

“Don’t ignore the signs, George. Love is the answer
for the team’s success,” she said as George was looking a
little surprised right now. He had never heard of anyone
talking about love and business in the same sentence.
“Enthusiasm is important. But love is the answer. To
really, really, and I mean really, tap the power of your
heart and lead with positive, contagious energy you must
love your passengers. You’ve got to become a Love Mag-
net,” she said.
At once everyone on the bus cheered in unison,
“What the heck is a Love Magnet?” George asked
looking around, not sure if he even wanted to know the
“Well, you don’t become a Love Magnet by wearing ex-
pensive cologne or perfume,” she said. “You don’t become
one by walking around sharing cheesy lines at bars.”

The Energy Bus

Rule #8

Love Your Passengers.

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