The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

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The Energy Bus



The more you recognize them for doing things right
the more they will do things right. Feed the positive
dog inside them and watch it grow.

  1. Serve Them—A great leader once said, the higher
    you get in an organization the more it is your duty to
    serve the people below you rather than having the peo-
    ple below serve you. The key is to serve their growth,
    their future, their career, and their spirits so they enjoy
    work, life, and being on your bus. The more you serve
    their growth the more they will help you grow.

  2. Bring Out the Best in Them—We saved this one for
    last because it’s the most important. When you love
    someone you want the best for them. You want them
    to be successful and happy. You want to bring out the
    best in them. Thus the best way any leader can
    demonstrate their love for their team is to help each
    person discover their strengths and provide an oppor-
    tunity for that person to utilize them. When you cre-
    ate a system that provides a way for your people to
    shine you not only bring out the best in them but in
    the rest of the team and company as well. If you re-
    ally want to love your team, help them do what they
    do best. It’s that simple.

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