The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

(singke) #1

Chapter 28

Fear and Trust


George walked into his office building like
he owned it, ready to love and inspire his
team. But as he walked toward the eleva-
tor and thought about the mountainous
challenge that lay in front of him, self-doubt reared its
ugly head again as it always had. What if they don’t love
me back, he thought. It wouldn’t be the first time love
had gone unanswered. What if I can’t inspire my team?
What if I can’t inspire myself? What if it’s all too late? Fear
consumed him and he felt like someone had hauled off
and punched him right in the stomach. Doubled over and
unable to breathe, he looked out the window and saw his
bus driving away. He knew that what Joy and Jack had
told him were powerful truths, but living them and mak-
ing them real was an entirely different matter altogether.
Caught between knowledge and action, George was par-
alyzed by fear.
The elevator door opened and closed as he just stood
there unable to move. On the bus he had felt safe but
now he felt like a chained gladiator about to be thrown

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