The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

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evator started to close George responded, “It’s good to
have you back.”
George looked outside at the spot where the Energy
Bus had dropped him off. He thought about what had
just happened. Joy had just talked about looking for signs
and letting them guide you on your path, and he couldn’t
help but wonder if Michael was a sign.
Maybe Michael’s asking for another chance meant
that George’s team was ready to follow him, and maybe
his giving Michael another chance meant George was
ready to lead and love his team. Michael was an obstacle
but maybe this meant that the obstacles were dissolving.
Joy had talked about being on the right path and perhaps
he was on it, everything lining up to clear the way for his
bus. After all, as in a movie or a dream, Michael had ap-
proached at just the right moment to wake George up
and help him move past his fear. This “vampire” had
asked to come back just when they needed him most.
This made George think of the dream he had had the
other night and it all became clear. The dream had been a
sign, too, letting him know to trust. He was the driver of
his bus and he had a choice. The decision to keep
Michael and trust him was a choice and so was the deci-
sion to move forward with trust or stay paralyzed by fear.
Sure, he was racing toward possible destruction of his ca-
reer, and his bus could surely crash but he had a choice
to believe it was all going to work out or quit now. Jack
had told him that Chief Energy Officers overcome chal-
lenges by charging forward with trust and optimism, and

Fear and Trust
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