The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

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that’s what George was determined to do. Through trust
he knew he would tap into the ultimate GPS system
(God’s Positioning System) and it would continue to guide
him just as it had been guiding him all along. He couldn’t
ignore the signs. They were all pointing in the right direc-
tion and the lights were all green telling him to go. I’m
not going to live with fear and let fear get in my way, he
thought. After all, they don’t call it “a leap of fear.” They
call it “a leap of faith” for a reason. If I can trust in God,
in myself, and in my team, then they can trust in each
other and in me, he said to himself, as the fear he had felt
earlier had turned into faith and faith had turned into re-
solve. George then stepped into the elevator, and now he
was truly ready to take the leap of his life.

The Energy Bus
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