The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

(singke) #1

got a late start this morning. We had a hunch that
you would need to know rule #9 more now than ever so
Marty ran this letter up to your office. Here it is.

Purpose is the ultimate fuel for our journey through
life, George. When we drive with purpose we don’t get
tired or bored and our engines don’t burn out. I know you
are probably pumped up for this product launch and you
should be but you have to ask yourself what’s going to
energize you after the launch. Every job on the planet,
even that of a professional athlete or movie star, can
get old and mundane if we let it. Purpose keeps it fresh.
Let me give you an example.
There’s a story about when President Lyndon
Johnson visited NASA and as he was walking the halls
he came across a janitor who was cleaning up a storm,
like the Energizer bunny with a mop in his hand.

The Next Day

Rule #9

Drive with Purpose.

Free download pdf