The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

(singke) #1

The president walked over to the janitor and told
him he was the best janitor he had ever seen and the
janitor replied, “Sir, I’m not just a janitor, I helped put
a man on the moon.” See George, even though he was
cleaning floors he had a bigger purpose and vision for
his life. This is what kept him going and helped him ex-
cel in his job. People call me a bus driver. But I see my
purpose as much more than that. I’m an Energy Am-
bassador and coach helping people transform their
energy and lives. Sure, driving a bus gets old; every job
does. But knowing I’ve saved lives and wondering
whose life I’m going to touch today, now that keeps
me going and the energy flowing. That’s why my pas-
sengers stay on my bus, because I’m driving with pur-
pose. When you fuel up with purpose you find the
excitement in the mundane, the passion in the every-
day, and the extraordinary in the ordinary. Purpose is
what life is all about. Everyone’s out there trying to
find their purpose when all you have to do is find the
bigger purpose in the here and now and your purpose
will find you.
There’s no spirit in companies anymore because
there’s no spirit in the people who work for these com-
panies. Unfortunately too many companies have been
far too successful at creating a culture and system
that zaps people’s energy and spirit. And Jack says,
then they wonder why they have morale, retention,
negativity, and performance issues. Don’t be one of
these leaders who get inspired only when there’s a big

The Energy Bus
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