The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

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life is to live young, have fun, and arrive at your final des-
tination as late as possible, with a smile on your face.It is
such a powerful lesson and has made such a difference in
my life I made it rule #10. Show him, Danny.

“And you know what the final destination I’m talk-
ing about is, right, George? No one can escape it. We’re
all going there. But the important thing is how much
we enjoy the ride until we get there. After all, we only
have one life and one ride. This is not like Disney Land.
We only get one ride so we might as well enjoy it to
the max.
“Too many people think they are going to live forever.
They spend their life accumulating wealth, possessions,
and power only to leave it all when their bus ride is over.
It’s not like you can take it with you. So what’s all the fuss
about? Too many people stress over too many meaning-

Game Day

Rule #10

Have Fun and Enjoy the Ride.

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