The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

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through life with regrets. Don’t be someone who looks
back and says I should have done this or that. Live and
work like you have nothing to lose and everything to
gain. Act like a kid on Christmas morning that is always
optimistic and excited about the gifts you are receiving.
Don’t be too stressed to feel blessed. Don’t compare the
success of your bus to other buses. Just enjoy your ride.
You go into that presentation today and you step on that
gas pedal, have fun, and go for it. And when you blow
them away and they sing your praises you just continue
to live and work each day with purpose and joy. And
that’s easy to remember because all you got to do is re-
member me, the ultimate Joy.” Then she looked up,
laughed and said, “I know, God. Sometimes I can get a
little too big for my britches.”
Then as the energy bus approached George’s office
building she turned to George, who was quietly saving
his voice for the presentation, and told him, “And when it
comes to legacies remember this: The best legacy you
could leave is not some building that is named after you
or a piece of jewelry but rather a world that has been im-
pacted and touched by your presence, your joy, and your
positive actions.”
The bus stopped and before George could get off the
bus the passengers came forward to give him high fives,
handshakes, and hugs. Jack handed George his business
card and asked that George call him to let him know how
the presentation had gone, since everyone on the bus
would want to know. Of course Joy gave him the biggest

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