The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

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Chapter 33



The repair shop was just about to close when
in the nick of time George walked in to pick
up his car. He was thinking about the in-
credible lunch he had just had with his team
when he approached the counter and said hello to the
young lady who stood on the other side. She had red hair, a
sweet expression, and a name tag that made George laugh.
Her name was Joy. “What’s so funny?” she asked.
“Nothing,” he answered. “I just love your name.
That’s all.” Then he looked up toward the ceiling and
said, Thank you. The signs were clear. He realized that
less than two weeks ago he had been cursing the heav-
ens for bringing all the misfortune and misery into his life
and now they were on his side guiding him and showing
him the path every step of the way. He understood how
everything, including the good and bad had brought him
to this moment. If he had never gotten a flat tire he
would never have met Joy. If he hadn’t gone through all
the adversity and challenges at work he would never
have wanted to learn how to better lead his team.

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