The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

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cus on the path. Keep your head up and your heart full of
joy. George realized that for all the lessons he had learned
the past two weeks the greatest lesson of all had been
right in front of him. It hadn’t been something that must
be said but something that had been experienced and felt.
He knew that no matter where his energy bus took him
and whatever roadblocks lay ahead, all he had to remem-
ber was to allow joy to flow through him and savor every
moment and mile on his journey. If he filled his life with
joy, his work with joy, and his home with joy, oh what a
life he would live and oh what a ride it would be. With joy
everything would flow better and easier.
As George drove his newly repaired car home, he
made a commitment to himself to experience the joy in
everything he did. Whether he was working on a project
at work or spending time with his kids at home he told
himself that he would ask, Where’s the joy in this mo-
ment? Do I feel it? How can I experience more joy right
now? He had experienced what it was like to ride on
Joy’s bus and now he would make the feeling of joy a
permanent passenger on his bus.
George reached for his cell phone and called his
mother. She had just finished her latest bout with chemo
and George knew she could use some joy right now. He
wanted to tell her to enjoy every moment she had left
whether it was six months or six years. He wanted to tell
her to savor the joy of every second and fill up with love
not fear during this challenging time and every day of her
life thereafter. He hoped somehow his own joy could

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