The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

(singke) #1

The bus stopped and Joy turned to George. “So
where do you desire to go, George? What’s your vision?”
she asked as she handed him a piece of paper. “Once
you know this, all the other rules will fall into place.”
George sat at his desk looking at the piece of paper
Joy had given him.
At the top of the page were instructions from Joy:
First, decide what you want, George. Then you can start
creating it. Don’t let the world create you. You create your
world. Complete these questions and we’ll talk about them
on the bus tomorrow.
It had three sections on it with space for him to write
and it looked like this.

  1. My vision for my life (including my health) is

  2. My vision for my work, career, job, and team is

  3. My vision for my relationship and family is

You’re the Driver
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