The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

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“And what about my team at work?” George asked.
“Same thing,” Joy answered. “We’ll need to get them
focused and positive, too. You’ll want them to understand
and be a part of your vision. You’ll want to get ’em on the
bus. I’ve got some rules for you that are going to make
them big-time successes but we’re not ready for that yet.
First, let’s help you fuel up with positive energy because
you can’t share the positive energy if you don’t have it
yourself. Once you get your bus rolling then you’ll be
ready to ask your team to get on. One mile at a time, my
man. One positive thought, feeling, and action at a time.
We’ll talk about your team soon.”
As the bus approached George’s stop, Joy directed
Marty to pull out what she called That Energy Book and
read him the story about the positive dog. Marty picked
up the book that was sitting next to him and started
A man goes to the village to visit the wise man and he
says to the wise man, “I feel like there are two dogs inside
me. One dog is this positive, loving, kind, and gentle dog
and then I have this angry, mean-spirited, and negative
dog and they fight all the time. I don’t know which is go-
ing to win.” The wise man thinks for a moment and he
says, “I know which is going to win. The one you feed the
most, so feed the positive dog.”
“Thank you, Marty,” Joy said as she directed him to
give George the book.
“I can’t,” said George. “It’s yours.”
“No, it’s yours,” said Marty. “We give them away all

The Power of Positive Energy
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