The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

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so a big smile came across his face when he came across
the Thank-You Walk in the Energy Book. One moment he
was reading how it’s physically impossible to be stressed
and thankful at the same moment, and the next minute
he was walking around his building outside saying what
he was grateful for.
He knew if people from his company saw him talking
to himself they would think he was crazy but he didn’t
mind. Sure it felt a little funny but the walk was energiz-
ing him, and counting his blessings really did make him
feel great. The book said that being grateful floods the
body and brain with positive endorphins and emotions
and combined with walking is a powerful energy booster.
It sure was right. As George walked back into his build-
ing he felt more positive, energized, and ready to take on
the day at work. Joy was right, he thought. Feeding the
positive dog does feel good. Now if I can just feed the li-
ons at work I’ll be okay. He chuckled as he walked into
his office to meet with his team about the new product

The Energy Bus
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