The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

(singke) #1

Chapter 15

A Very Long Weekend


While George was pacing around his bed-
room he noticed a Time magazine sitting
on his nightstand with Abraham Lincoln on
the cover. George was fascinated with the
life and presidency of Abraham Lincoln. He marveled that
this man who was said to suffer from depression was able
to overcome several election defeats, two bankruptcies, a
nervous breakdown, and the death of his fiancée before
becoming President of the United States. A seeming fail-
ure at the age of 51, he had summoned the courage and
strength that unified our country and changed the course
of history. George couldn’t help but imagine what it must
have been like in the past for Lincoln to wait and wait
and wait for the Civil War battle reports to come in, not
knowing if his country was one step closer to unification
or destruction.
Yet now as George spent time with his family and
did chores around the house he had a small sense of
what it was like to wait and wait and have your fate un-
fold before you. As time inched slowly by, he continually

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