The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

(singke) #1

Chapter 17

The Enemy Is Negativity


Tuesday morning George walked on the bus
with no life and certainly no kick in his
step. He felt like a failure and was embar-
rassed to face the people who were trying
so hard to help him succeed. Joy read his energy immedi-
ately and knew things had not gone well for him at work.
This was her day off and the day she usually visited her
father but she had a feeling George would need her today
and wanted to be on the bus to share some energy and lift
him up if he needed it. Now as she looked at George she
was sure glad she had followed her hunch. It wasn’t the
first time she had seen the look of defeat. In fact, most
people she recalled had setbacks as they learned how to
drive their bus. Every person and every team will be
tested on their journey. It was part of the curriculum of
life. She knew this all too well. It’s just like riding a bicy-
cle, she thought. In the beginning you’re going to fall off
and get knocked down but the important thing is to get
back on, stay strong, and after a while once you master it
you’ll ride with the confidence of a champion. She just

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