The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

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had to help George take the wheel and quick because he
was running out of time.
“What’s the matter, Sugar?” she asked. “Where’s the
George who sprang on my bus on Friday?”
“He’s been knocked down by two left jabs and a right
hook,” answered George.
“Well, it’s time to get back up!” Joy exclaimed. “Life is
always going to knock you down. The important thing is
you got to get back up. Haven’t you seen the movie
Rocky?” she asked. Her words piqued his interest. He had
always loved the original Rockymovie and had even writ-
ten his college essay about the movie and a person over-
coming their demons and challenges to become someone
of worth and value.
“Well, of course I have. Who hasn’t?” he said. “But
that’s a movie,” he said skeptically.
“And this is life, George, and I’m telling you to get
back up,” she said sternly.
“But I failed,” he said.
“You haven’t failed until you stop trying, George.
Now pick that sorry head of yours up, sit up straight, and
let’s talk about how to build some mental and emotional
muscle and get your bus rolling.”
Joy asked George what had happened that got him
so down and he explained the situation and team dy-
namics to her. He cursed his two biggest problems, Larry
and Tom, and the three wolves who had sabotaged him
all day.
“They’re not the problem,” Joy said to his surprise.

The Energy Bus
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