
(Michael S) #1
Workshop Module 3: Houses, Water, and Waste Management 107





Presentation : Types of composting toilets

Method : Facilitator presentation

Tools : Images of compost toilets, black/white board, markers

References : PC Book MOD 3 – Houses, Water, and Waste Management

Objective    :  Participants    learn   benefits    compost toilets and how to  make    them

Human manure is a valuable resource that can be turned into quality fertilizer.

But it must be treated and composted properly so that diseases are not spread.

Compost toilets can provide many benefits, such as:

  • Makes great fertilizer.

  • Uses much less water, sometimes none at all.

  • Reduces and prevents diseases.

  • Prevents animals eating human waste – which can in turn cause diseases.

Using composting toilets is an example of turning a problem into a solution.

Key types of compost toilets are:

  • Compost toilet pit.

  • 2-box compost toilet.

  • Single box continuous systems.

For most rural areas in Indonesia the compost toilet pit and the 2-box compost toilet are

the easiest to build and maintain. The single box continuous system compost toilet is

better for highly populated areas.

Before recommending or facilitating the use of composting toilets, it is important for

facilitator to ensure that the participants understand how to use and maintain the toilets

properly, or they can become a serious health hazard.

For more information about compost toilets, see the “Compost toilets” section in

PC Book MOD 3 – Houses, Water, and Waste Management.

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