
(Michael S) #1
108 Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops

Creative thinking : Plan to eliminate stagnant water

Method : Field walk and discussion, small groups participatory brainstorm

Tools : Large paper, or white/black board, markers

References : PC Book MOD 3 – Houses, Water, and Waste Management

Objective : Students understand problems and develop solutions for
stagnant water

Diverting and eliminating stagnant water is very important to help reduce
mosquito born diseases and the spread of water born bacterial disease
because it eliminates breeding sites.


The facilitator should identify land with stagnant water prior to the exercise, which is an
appropriate site for the participants to do the following study and analysis.

Make sure the participants have paper and pens that they can use during the observation
walk to document their findings.

Running this exercise

Step 1

Take the participants on a walk to do a field survey of that area. Have the participants
assess the area and write down the answers to the following questions:

  • What kinds of insects or bacteria are breeding in the stagnant water?

  • What diseases could they catch from those insects?

  • What could be done to divert or eliminate the stagnant water?

Step 2

Return to the class and ask the participants to divide into smaller work groups (see the
appendix) and brainstorm and list as many ways as possible to solve problems related to
stagnant water.

The following ideas are some key points that should be covered by the participants’
presentations. The facilitator can use the following checklist to prompt the participants
if needed.




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