
(Michael S) #1
118 Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops

Field activity : Simple method of testing soil

Method : Participatory soil testing

Tools : Shovel, jars with lids or plastic bags & rubber bands, water, marker

References : PC Book MOD 4 - Healthy Soil

Objective : Participants learn how to identify various types of soil

By using the following simple experiment you can identify the types of soil on
your land.

  1. Take 3 or more soil samples and place them in clear jars or bottles.

  2. Fill the container 2 / 3 with soil, then add water until full.

  3. Close the containers and shake them evenly.

  4. Then, let the soil settle and you can see what type of soil you have:

    • Clay will settle on top.

    • Silt (sediments between clay and sand in size) under that.

    • Fine sand next.

    • Coarse sand will settle on the bottom.

From observing the contents of the containers and the ratio of different components in
the soil you will know how much sand or clay is in the soil, which will help you to choose
appropriate methods for improving the soil.

For specific soil improvement techniques for either clay or sandy soil, see the PC Book
MOD 4 – Healthy Soil.

Note: There may be many other local techniques for soil improvement, which can be
shared amongst participants.




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