
(Michael S) #1
Workshop Module 4: Healthy Soil 119

Creative thinking : Identify nutrient deficiencies in soil

Method : Participatory and group brainstorm

Tools : Black/white board or large paper, markers

References : PC Book MOD 4 - Healthy Soil

Objective    :  Participants    learn   about   various types   of  soil    deficiencies

Step 1

Using something like the table below, the facilitator can ask the participants to identify
different types of nutrients in the soil (table 1). The facilitator can help to fill out these
answers if necessary.

The answers listed below are supplied for the facilitator only for prompting
ideas and discussions if the participants need help.

Nutrient How you can tell if it is missing Sources of nutrients

Nitrogen Yellowing, paleness of leaves and new growth Early maturing and small size of fruit or flower Legume, fish, brown sugar, and coconut


Leaves are small, darker in color than normal,
older leaves are blue/purple in color with yellow
edges, plant growth is slow

Ash from kitchen fires

Phosphorus Fruit size is small and poorly colored, burnt leaf edges and yellowing of old leaves Animal bone ash with vinegar


Leaves have yellow spots and edges, with green
veins, brown spots on leaves can also occur, old
leaves drop off trees early

Spinach, whole grains, nuts
(especially almonds)

Sulphur All leaves are dull in color Can be found near hot springs and volcanic areas

Calcium New leaves and new shoots grow badly and are underdeveloped, fruit growth can be unusual Animal bones, shells

Table 1. Indicators of nutrient deficiencies Table 2. Sources of nutrients

Step 2

Ask the participants to divide into smaller work groups (see the appendix) and have
each workgroup come up with a list of various natural materials that are sources for
nutrient listed on the table.

Step 3

After each workgroup has created their lists, ask them to write the lists on the board
(table 2) while presenting the results to the entire group for feedback and other
suggestions. A list of natural nutrient sources is provided in the “Natural nutrient sources”
section in the PC Book MOD 4 – Healthy Soil.

Note: There may be many other local techniques for adding nutrients, which can be
shared amongst participants.




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