Workshop Module 10: Animal Systems 277
Creative thinking : Animal value added products
Method : Group participatory brainstorm
Tools : Large paper, markers
References : PC Book MOD 10 - Animal Systems
Objective : Participants create lists of uses and products of animals
Animals produce many valuable resources, which are often unknown and
even wasted. Many of animal products can be value added to produce even more
resources and products. Value adding means making a new product which adds value to
an existing product. Some examples of the valuable resources that can be created from
value adding animal products include:
- Fertilizer – Made from animal manure.
- Clothes, bags, wallets, shoes, etc – Made from animal skins.
- Wool - Spun from the fur of some goat and sheep breeds.
- Jewelry, art, and handicrafts – Made from horns, bones, and teeth.
- Cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products - Made from cow, buffalo, and goat
milk. Note: Dairy products can be fed to children to make them healthy. - Labour - Animals can be put to work to pump water, pull loads, plough fields,
and clear vegetation. - Transport - By pulling wagons.
Do a group brainstorm with the participants. On the board create a table something like
the following. Leave the answers to the questions blank so that the participants
come up with their own ideas.
Animal Use Value added product
Goats Meat, manure, leather Fresh, dried, and salted meat - Fertilizer - Souvenir
Meat, manure,
Fresh, dried, and salted meat - Fertilizer - Cloths, drum,
souvenir, shoes - Liquid compost
Chickens Meat, manure, eggs, feathers Fresh, dried, and salted meat - Fresh and salted egg - Fertilizer, - Bacteria media - Souvenirs, dusters
Ducks Meat, manure, eggs, feathers Fresh, dried, and salted meat - Fresh and salted egg - Fertilizer - Souvenirs, dusters
Pigs Meat, manure Fresh, dried, and salted meat - Fertilizer
Meat, manure,
Fresh, dried, and salted meat - Fertilizer - Cloths, drum,
souvenir, shoes - Liquid compost
Bees Honey, nest Fresh
Place this list in the training space so that it can be referenced during the rest
of the workshop.