
(Michael S) #1
Workshop Module 11: Aquaculture 301





Presentation : Aquaculture and aquaculture systems

Method : Facilitator presentation

Tools : Images, black/white board, markers

References : PC Book MOD 11 - Aquaculture

Objective : Participants learn about integrated aquaculture systems

Breeding fish is only one part of a healthy aquaculture system. There are many
other factors that help keep the system healthy and productive - Plants, bacteria, insects,
trees, and other animals.

There are also many valuable products and uses for an aquaculture system - Animal and
food production can be integrated, for example:

  • Fish, prawns, and eels can be raised for eating or selling.

  • Water spinach, watercress, taro, bull rushes, and lotus are some of the many
    water plants that can be grown for food.

  • Bamboo, fruit trees, vegetables, and other plants can be grown around pond

Some of the benefits from aquaculture include:

  • Fish and other water animals are an excellent source of protein and
    nutrition as well as income - Aquaculture systems provide more meat for the
    same area of land than any other animal system.

  • Productive water plants and pond edge plants can be grown and

  • Pest management of gardens and farms is assisted as pest predators are

  • Aquaculture systems can be used to turn animal waste and plant
    waste into food for fish and water plants. Then after fish are harvested
    the ponds can be cleaned to provide high quality fertilizer for plants.

  • Aquaculture systems can be made on land that has low productivity or
    cannot be used for other plants and animals, such as swamp land.

  • Rice, chicken, pig, and duck production can all be combined with
    aquaculture to improve production in both systems.

  • Aquaculture systems assist water flow and drainage in the wet
    season. In the dry season they provide a store of water that can be
    used for animal water.

  • Aquaculture systems change and modify the climate. They make the
    surrounding temperature less hot or cold therefore making it a more comfortable
    climate. This is beneficial for trees and crops and for house areas as well.

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