
(Michael S) #1

42 Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops

Filling in the contact sheet

At the appropriate time during the introductory sessions, or even before the course
starts, you can circulate a contact sheet for everyone to fill in. This contact sheet serves
many functions over time:

  • Once it is filled in, it can be copied and given to everyone who participated in the
    course so that they can easily contact anyone they met during the course during
    the follow-up phase.

  • It can be used to monitor course attendance.

  • The trainer can use it if they wish to send additional resources, follow-up with
    any of the participants, or invite any of the exceptional participants to co-
    facilitate another course.

The course facilitators and organizers should also have their details listed on the sheet;
this can be organized ahead of time.

Ask each of the participants to list their name, the name of the organization they work
for (if applicable), address (useful if you wish to mail them something), and contact
details on the sheet.

The sheet may look something like this:

Permaculture Workshop Contact Sheet

Workshop Name : Permaculture Village Development Course
Location : Banjar, Pengosekan, Ubud
Main Facilitator : Ni Komang Diguramina
Dates : Dec 1 - 14, 2006

No Name Organization Address Contact No 1 Contact No 2
1 Siti Sundari PKK Lumayo Br. Lumayo Desa Sukati 081 234 234xxx 0361 2434xx

2 Armansyah Subak Wokerto Br Lupal, Desa Wokerto 081 234 234xxx 0361 9015xx

3 Suroso Subak Wokerto Br Lupal, Desa Wokerto 987 xxx 021 35667xx

4 Made Nurbawa Subak Wokerto Br Lupal, Desa Wokerto 085 637 23xxx 0361 2434xx

5 Agus Samijaya Subak Wokerto Br Lupal, Desa Wokerto 987 xxx 022 57465xx

6 Dewanda G Yayasan UPA Br Budin, Desa Wokerto 082 361 23xxx 022 57465xx

7 Suharto B Subak Wokerto Br Budin, Desa Wokerto tidak ada 022 57465xx

8 Maria Dolores PKK Lumayo Br. Lumayo Desa Sukati 081 344 34xxx 036 19015xx

9 Herman Purnomo PKK Lumayo Br. Lumayo Desa Sukati 987 xxx 0361 9015xx

10 Yuyun Raharja Subak Wokerto Br Budin, Desa Wokerto 081 191 59xxx 021 49903xx

11 Pieter Tambunan PKK Lumayo Br. Lumayo Desa Sukati 82 561 89xxx 021 49903xx

12 Yani Hartati Subak Wokerto Br Budin, Desa Wokerto 987 xxx 021 49903xx

13 Nita Tobing Subak Wokerto Br Budin, Desa Wokerto tidak ada 021 35667xx

14 Ratna Effendi Yayasan UPA Br Budin, Desa Wokerto 987 xxx 0361 2434xx

15 Ni Ketut Wulandari Subak Wokerto Br Budin, Desa Wokerto 987 xxx 0361 2434xx

16 Ni Putu Ariati Subak Wokerto Br Budin, Desa Wokerto tidak ada 036 19015xx

17 Tony Suriajaya PKK Lumayo Br. Lumayo Desa Sukati 081 191 59xxx 0361 9015xx

18 Trisna Purwati Yayasan UPA Br Budin, Desa Wokerto 081 191 59xxx 021 49903xx

19 Nancy Latu PKK Lumayo Br. Lumayo Desa Sukati tidak ada 021 49903xx
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